Jumat, 09 Juli 2010
Moral of the Missing
The Indonesian nation is a nation that has a diverse civilizations and history to be proud of such other countries. Beautiful country and beautiful and has a natural result of diverse and unique culture and fascinating traditions. Yet beneath it all, now many of them have the desire to dominate.
Our nation is also known for never colonized by the Dutch three and a half centuries, but we do not master the Dutch language and Dutch language also did not control us, or we are clever or stupid dutch? Many countries utilize our natural resources and the willingness of the goodness of our nation. However the Indonesian nation remains of our nation. Their arrival not only colonize and control the wealth of our country. The arrival of another country into our country to trade and seek new opportunities. They make the industry and established companies in all places Seta buy shares of state-owned companies. The goal is only to make profits in order to build their own economies. Although they have become more developed countries are saying and prosperous than we are, but they never stopped working. They keep trying to improve their achievement in all fields.
The success of our nation at the time of fighting the invaders with bamboo spears was amazing, why other nations do not ask how our nation against the invaders with bamboo spears?
Our nation is now losing the honesty and ethical and moral crisis in many national and state tataan on the younger generation. In the previous year ie 2009 in case the little exaggerated, such as: what happens to the Minah who undergo probation for allegedly stealing cocoa Another example is the case Prita Mulyasari who complained via electronic mail. On the other hand witnessed a number of criminals sentenced to community light, so that roam freely even cause social jealousy. There also continues antarsari case, Century, Bibi-Chandra, and terrorism. It all often broadcast on television, but what about in the territorial waters, in waters near the western Sebatik Ambalat block, part of the territory of Indonesia since the island of Sipadan and Lingitan atuh into the hands of Malaysia, is now also threatened Ambalat island. Because of the lack of security and safety facilities for the operations was minimal, the electricity was built in 1991 has not also operate to this day, many state officials who had visited the island but until now, there are no results even though there are still too few even then .
Our nation should emulate nations like Japan: The Japanese have a spirit of never give up. They are not afraid of temptation and distress. They are able to face all the trials in order to achieve the goal, they also firmly maintain the dignity and honor of the nation. If you do a job, then they do it seriously in order to get the best result. Japanese people have difficulty accepting defeat. For them, losing does not mean dead. The defeat can be pierced again with victory and success in other fields. If you lose, then they would lose dignity premises. They do not want to be insulted. For them, it's better to die than be humiliated and insulted nation.
The ancient past, Japanese hero known as the samurai would commit suicide with his sword goto the stomach if defeated in battle. These results show their efforts to penetrate it back dignity lost due to losing the battle. This spirit that is embedded in the nation of Japan.
To become a great and respected nation, Japanese nation through bitter experiences and winding. The Japanese never gave up with all the flaws and weaknesses in themselves. Despite the lack of natural resources, threatened by earthquakes, and is often hit by hurricanes, they use all the potential that exists to build their country to be equivalent to natural resources. They're smart utilize and manipulate all existing sources. However, they are not wasteful. All those natural resources they use as well as possible. They also do not like to waste time and always on time. Attitude is what helps Japanese get up and able to compete with other countries. Japanese people maximize what they have because the surface area is mountainous and many more could not exploit their natural results.
Our nation can become great and respected nation that can even be more than the Japanese. Do we have to imitate the Japanese samurai hero when losing is in the race continue to commit suicide? We do not have to do that but we should emulate the spirit and discipline of the samurai. The Japanese never gave up with all their flaws and weaknesses in such minimal natural resources, often in the Netherlands hurricanes, and earthquakes. In our nation's natural disasters also often happens that there are similarities as well as the people of Japan, namely earthquakes, floods most often occur in our nation. The difference with our nation is a nation we do not use all the potential to build our own country to be equivalent to natural resources. For example the Japanese government provides space for the city of Fukuoka city residents gathered, in between tall buildings in downtown. While we are not in the capital, Jakarta room for residents gathered there all packed with tall buildings and buildings. Smart Japanese people take advantage and manipulate all existing sources, our nation is so much smarter than them. This can be proved that our nation is known for piracy, piracy is not the use sophisticated technology, such as Japan. In our country there are four cultures which are difficult to overcome. First the traffic, the second bin, the third and the fourth line culture like a waste of time. Many of our people who do not obey traffic while driving on the highway which is not unlike the traffic officers in other countries, someone has to watch the new order. still a lot of trash discarded out of place, perhaps there is no law that regulates the disposal of garbage in public places such as in our neighboring country of Singapore, prior to performing waste disposal is not in place it will dikenalan fines. Start lining up at kumandangkan culture in the mid-1980s, there was little new in the late 1990s, it was not yet aware of all the citizens who lined up, because in our nation our people are still going uncertainty in the distribution of basic necessities which are free of charge. The latest is about the time, the Japanese did not waste any time but we are often thrown the nation wasted time, Japanese people usually want to travel if they'll bring a book to read on the trip, they read in the train and sat down with an orderly and calm, if in our country in the carriage on each person having their own busyness.
Upshot: if things are left just like that then the future is very difficult to fix, because it is embedded in our nation. if our nation does not introspect yourself then eventually the nation will experience a failed state, especially in morals. Legal favor to people who have money and to those who have a certain position does not take sides again to the people. A leader's role here is very important for example in a long habit of justifying wrong and becomes a habit, should be explicitly justified and based on the law passed for all of society and do not distinguish each other.
Natural Way of Cleaning Teeth
To get white teeth and healthy, it is recommended to maintain health and hygiene and oral cavity ggi early. For example brushing your teeth twice a day, after meals and before bed. Besides eating the fruit that contains natural sugar and acid is also recommended to protect teeth. Consuming fruits and vegetables is a natural way to clean teeth.
And acid foods, such as that contained in vinegar and yogurt, and lemon, can erode gradually email. Acid content in foods can also create cavities. So also with sugar that can be mixed with bacteria in the mouth can cause dental plaque. However, human teeth proved able to resist the acid and sugar derived from fruit. Moreover, eat lots of fruit can increase the volume of saliva. This condition is useful to protect the teeth. Another way to clean the mouth itself is at menguyah. We should chew food using both sides of the teeth to either the left or right. Because if you only used one side then the other side will arise dental plaque. When chewing food, your mouth will salivate, and then will be a lot of movement that would cause such friction between the tongue with teeth, teeth with dental and other, here there is a natural cleansing process.
Incidence of dental plaque on the side that never used to chew, occurs due to lack of movements that cause a lot of movements that cause a lot of friction earlier. Practical, if not ever used for the possibility arises menguyah greater than dental plaque that is often used for chewing.
Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009
Lahaplah movies, music, books, paintings, poems, photos, conversations, dreams, trees, architecture, street signs, clouds shadow cahayadan.
When stolen, the choice is only the ideas that directly speaks to your soul. If you do, work (and theft) you will be authentic.
Authenticity was not worth the price.
Originality was not there.
Do not bother to hide your Theft - Announce if you want.
Remember what has been said Jean-Luc Godard: "it's not where you take things from - it's where you take them to."
Rabu, 30 Juli 2008
Shaolin-Do Today

Shaolin-Do is a traditional martial art, providing its practitioners with time-proven self defense techniques. Shaolin-Do strengthens the body and sharpens the mind, leading to a longer, more productive, and healthier life.
Shaolin-Do is the most complete and comprehensive martial arts system in the world. Shaolin-Do starts by introducing its students to basic Shaolin martial arts concepts. The material is organized so that beginning students have an opportunity to learn animal, empty hand, internal, and weapon techniques that are straightforward with readily apparent applications. The object is to build a solid base emphasizing proper technique, stance work, spirit, conditioning, and basic practical self-defense.
Upon completion of the lower belt and brown belt curriculum, the Shaolin-Do student has a minimum of 22 long forms through which they have studied a variety of techniques such as short katas, sparring techniques, self-defense, tiger, crane, bird, staff, nunchaku, broadsword, sai, and kwan tao (General Kwan's Knife). The student now has the conditioning, material knowledge, and sparring foundation to be considered a disciple, or serious beginner, and will continue to study a wide variety of styles and techniques that not only produce a well rounded martial artist, but also an extraordinarily well conditioned body and mind.