Shaolin-Do is a traditional martial art, providing its practitioners with time-proven self defense techniques. Shaolin-Do strengthens the body and sharpens the mind, leading to a longer, more productive, and healthier life.
Shaolin-Do is the most complete and comprehensive martial arts system in the world. Shaolin-Do starts by introducing its students to basic Shaolin martial arts concepts. The material is organized so that beginning students have an opportunity to learn animal, empty hand, internal, and weapon techniques that are straightforward with readily apparent applications. The object is to build a solid base emphasizing proper technique, stance work, spirit, conditioning, and basic practical self-defense.
Upon completion of the lower belt and brown belt curriculum, the Shaolin-Do student has a minimum of 22 long forms through which they have studied a variety of techniques such as short katas, sparring techniques, self-defense, tiger, crane, bird, staff, nunchaku, broadsword, sai, and kwan tao (General Kwan's Knife). The student now has the conditioning, material knowledge, and sparring foundation to be considered a disciple, or serious beginner, and will continue to study a wide variety of styles and techniques that not only produce a well rounded martial artist, but also an extraordinarily well conditioned body and mind.